Study of Rich Habits vs. Poor Habits

I can’t verify the study, but more information can be found on this website

81% of the rich have a to-do-list; 9% of the poor do.

44% of the rich wake up 3 hours before work; 3% of the poor do.

88% of the rich read 30 minutes or more each day; 2% of the poor do.

76% of the rich exercise aerobically 4 days a week; 23% of the poor do.

70% make their children volunteer for 10 or more hours every month; 3% of the poor do

65% of the rich watch 1 hour or less of TV a day; 24% of the poor do

10% of the rich watch reality TV; 77% of the poor do

80% of the rich focus on accomplishing a specific goal; 12% of the poor do

79% of the rich network 5 hours or more each month; 16% of the poor do

6% of the rich say what’s on their mind; 69% of the poor do

74% of the rich teach good daily success habits to their children; 1% of the poor do

84% of the rich believe good habits create opportunity luck; 4% of the poor do

76% of the rich believe bad habits create detrimental luck; 9% of the poor do