Is This Not The Craziest Job Ever?!

I used to think I’ve held some crazy jobs in my day!… until I saw these two co-workers:


Wow. Just. Wow.

About Jimmy vs. World!
Man chases his dreams. Life punches his face. Series and blog created by Los Angeles-based animator Sean Rohani

13 Responses to Is This Not The Craziest Job Ever?!

  1. skywanderer says:

    Reblogged this on Fun for bloggers & other animated animals and commented:
    The punchline is given by Jimmy’s motto: β€œMan chases his dreams. Life punches his face.”

    If that is really so, while viewing this exceptional stunt, we should be especially worried.

  2. paranoiasnfm says:


  3. lolabees says:

    And I thought looking into people’s mouths was scary… πŸ˜‰

  4. Kevin says:

    I’d like to see you do that…no really.

  5. 1EarthUnited says:

    Someone has to check for cavities!

  6. Iksa says:

    Compared to this all my jobs combined is not even considered dangerous.
    Thank you for the nice post.

  7. skywanderer says:

    “Man chases his dreams. Life punches his face.”
    If that is really so, in this case we should be especially worried.

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